ALPHA II FT-IR spectrometer
APEX 400 Press
Apex Quick Release Die
Atlas Manual Hydraulic Press – 15T & 25T
Atlas® Evacuable Pellet Dies
Atlas™ Series Power Hydraulic Press
ATR-FTIR Libraries
ATR-Loop Fiber Optic Probe
Auto-Transmission Accessory
AutoDiff II
Autotouch Press
ClearSampler – Sampling in the Hot Zone
Dewar Transmission/Reflection Accessory
Diamond EX’press Cell
DiamondPen Cutter
DLC2™ Demountable Liquid Cells
Fiber-optic ATR probes
FTIR Transmission Libraries
Golden Gate High Temperature ATR
Golden Gate In-situ Reaction Cell ATR
Golden Gate Low Temperature ATR
Golden Gate® Anvil options
Golden Gate® Top-plate options
Harrick ConcentratIR2™ Multiple Reflection ATR Accessory
Harrick daVinci Arm Reflection Accessory
Harrick FatIR™ Analysis System
Harrick FiberMate2™ Fiber Optic Coupler
Harrick Praying Mantis™ Diffuse Reflection Accessory
Harrick RangeIR™ Liquid Analyzer
Harrick SplitPea ATR Accessory
Harrick VariGATR Grazing Angle Accessory
Heated Micro Compression Cell
High Pressure Demountable Liquid Cell
High Temperature Cell
Immersion Probe
INVENIO FT-IR spectrometer
IR Fiber-Optic Probe for Gases
IR Spectral Databases (IR, FT-IR, ATR)
IRIS Single Reflection Diamond ATR
KnowItAll IR Identification Pro
LUMOS II FTIR microscope
MappIR and Map300
Micro TouchPick Pen
Microfocus Beam Condenser
MicroVice SliceIR
Mini Film-Maker Kit
Mini-Pellet Press
Minidiff® Plus
MIRacle Peltier ATR
Mobile-IR II FT-IR Spectrometer
Monolayer/Grazing Angle Specular Reflectance Accessory
NIR FlexIR Fiber Optic Accessory
NIR Spectral Libraries
Omni-Cell® System
Omni-Spec™ Specular Reflection Probe
Pearl Liquid Transmission
PEEK ATR-Probes for the Lab
Pike 10 Spec – Specular Reflectance
Pike 80Spec Grazing Angle
Pike Absolute Reflectance Accessory
Pike ATRMax II Variable Angle ATR
Pike AutoATR
Pike DiffusIR
Pike Falcon Mid-IR Transmission
Pike GladiATR
Pike GladiATR™ Vision
Pike MIRacle™ Single Reflection ATR
Pike VeeMAX III variable angle – with ATR
Pike YZ Autosampler
Pike μMAX – Sample Compartment Microscope for FTIR
Polymer 300 Film Maker Kit
Praying Mantis™ High Temperature Reaction Chambers
Raman Spectral Libraries
RamanTouch Confocal Laser Scanning Raman Microscope
ReactorMAX ATR
RefractorReactor™ Grazing Angle Accessory
S-100R Heated Stage
Senterra II Raman microscope
SmartSeal Liquid Transmission Cells
Specac Gateway Multi-Reflection ATR
Specac Golden Gate Diamond ATR
Specac High Temperature High Pressure Cell
Specac Quest ATR accessory
Specac Selector Diffuse Reflectance Accessory
Spectroscopy Disks, Windows and Powders
Specular Reflectance Accessory 30°
SurveyIR FT-IR Microscope Accessory
Transmission and TransFlex Probe
Transmission Multi-SamplIR
UpIR Diffuse Reflection FTIR/NIR