ALPHA II FT-IR spectrometer
APEX 400 Press
Apex Quick Release Die
ARCoptix FT-NIR Rocket Spectrometer 0.9-2.6μm
ARCSpectro – Thin Film Thickness Measurement System
ARCSpectro – Total Solar Reflectance (TSR) Spectrometer
Atlas Manual Hydraulic Press – 15T & 25T
Atlas® Evacuable Pellet Dies
Atlas™ Series Power Hydraulic Press
ATR-FTIR Libraries
ATR-Loop Fiber Optic Probe
Auto-Transmission Accessory
AutoDiff II
Autotouch Press
BLACK-Comet- UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer
BLUE-Wave Visible Spectrometer
Chemwiz-ADK Handheld NIR Spectrometer
ClearSampler – Sampling in the Hot Zone
Dewar Transmission/Reflection Accessory
Diamond EX’press Cell
DiamondPen Cutter
DLC2™ Demountable Liquid Cells
Dual-Detector Super Range (DSR)
DWARF-Star Miniature NIR Spectrometer
Fiber ATR-FTIR Rocket Spectrometer
Fiber-optic ATR probes
FTIR Transmission Libraries
GASEX PORTA – Portable Gas analysis system
Golden Gate High Temperature ATR
Golden Gate In-situ Reaction Cell ATR
Golden Gate Low Temperature ATR
Golden Gate® Anvil options
Golden Gate® Top-plate options
GREEN-Wave Low Cost Spectrometer
Handheld Absorbance Spectrophotometer
Handheld Colorimeter
Handheld Radiometer
Harrick ConcentratIR2™ Multiple Reflection ATR Accessory
Harrick daVinci Arm Reflection Accessory
Harrick FatIR™ Analysis System
Harrick FiberMate2™ Fiber Optic Coupler
Harrick Praying Mantis™ Diffuse Reflection Accessory
Harrick RangeIR™ Liquid Analyzer
Harrick SplitPea ATR Accessory
Harrick VariGATR Grazing Angle Accessory
Haze Measurement System
Heated Micro Compression Cell
High Pressure Demountable Liquid Cell
High Temperature Cell
Immersion Probe
INVENIO FT-IR spectrometer
IR Fiber-Optic Probe for Gases
IR Spectral Databases (IR, FT-IR, ATR)
IRIS Single Reflection Diamond ATR
KnowItAll IR Identification Pro
LUMOS II FTIR microscope
MappIR and Map300
Micro TouchPick Pen
Microfocus Beam Condenser
MicromATR Vision – Video ATR
MicroVice SliceIR
Mini Film-Maker Kit
Mini-Pellet Press
Minidiff® Plus
MiniRaman spectrometer
MIRacle Peltier ATR
Mobile-IR II FT-IR Spectrometer
Monolayer/Grazing Angle Specular Reflectance Accessory
NIR FlexIR Fiber Optic Accessory
NIR Spectral Libraries
Omni-Cell® System
Omni-Spec™ Specular Reflection Probe
Pearl Liquid Transmission
PEEK ATR-Probes for the Lab
Pike 10 Spec – Specular Reflectance
Pike 80Spec Grazing Angle
Pike Absolute Reflectance Accessory
Pike ATRMax II Variable Angle ATR
Pike AutoATR
Pike DiffusIR
Pike Falcon Mid-IR Transmission
Pike GladiATR
Pike GladiATR™ Vision
Pike MIRacle™ Single Reflection ATR
Pike VeeMAX III variable angle – with ATR
Pike YZ Autosampler
Pike μMAX – Sample Compartment Microscope for FTIR
Polymer 300 Film Maker Kit
Praying Mantis™ High Temperature Reaction Chambers
Raman Spectral Libraries
RamanTouch Confocal Laser Scanning Raman Microscope