Pike 80Spec Grazing Angle

The 80Spec is ideal for the specular reflectance grazing angle measurement of relatively thin films and mono-molecular layers by specular reflectance. Samples are simply laid face down across the top of the accessory and the spectrum of the film is measured. Generally the measurement of ultra-thin film samples, especially monolayers, is significantly enhanced by using P-polarized light, with the electric field vector perpendicular to the sample surface. 




Pike Technologies 80Spec Grazing Angle Accessory

The  80Spec is ideal for the measurement of relatively thin films and mono-molecular layers by specular reflectance. Samples are simply laid face down across the top of the accessory and the spectrum of the film is measured. Generally the measurement of ultra-thin film samples, especially monolayers, is significantly enhanced by using P-polarized light, with the electric field vector perpendicular to the sample surface. The 80Spec includes polarizer mounts on both incoming and outgoing beams for positioning optional manual or automated IR polarizers from PIKE Technologies.


The 80Spec is available in two versions. The basic configuration features a flat sampling surface with fixed sampling port. This version is ideal for analysis of larger, uniform samples. The second version includes 3 sample masks to define smaller areas on a sample. This version is recommended for smaller samples or for measurement of variations in thin film coatings.




  • Measurement of thin films and mono-molecular layers
  • Fixed 80 degree angle of incidence
  • Gold-coated reflective optics for highest throughput grazing angle analysis
  • Dual polarizer mounts for incoming and outgoing IR beam
  • Optional sample masks version to define unique sampling areas
  • Baseplate mount design for stable operation and collection of high quality spectra – fits all FTIR spectrometers